A residual plot is a graph that is used to examine the goodness-of-fit in regression and ANOVA. Examining residual plots helps you determine whether the ordinary least squares assumptions are being met. If these assumptions are satisfied, then ordinary least squares regression will produce unbiased coefficient estimates with the minimum variance.
Minitab provides the following residual plots:
To include the Anderson Darling test with the plot, go to and check Include Anderson-Darling test with normal plot. However, Minitab does not display the test when there are less than 3 degrees of freedom for error.
This is a plot of the residuals versus a predictor. This plot should show a random pattern of residuals on both sides of 0. Non-random patterns, such as the following example, may violate the assumption that predictor variables are unrelated to the residuals. You may have used an incorrect functional form to model the curvature.