Mixed effect models contain both fixed and random effects. The general form of the mixed effect model is:
y = Xβ + Z1μ1 + Z2μ2 + ... + Zcμc + ε
Term | Description |
y | the n x 1 vector of response values |
X | the n x p design matrix for the fixed effects, p ≤ n |
Zi | the n x mi design matrix for the ith random effect in the model |
β | a p x 1 vector of unknown parameters |
μi | an mi x 1 vector of independent variables from N(0, σ2i) |
ε | an n x 1 vector of independent variables from N(0, σ2i) |
c | the number of random effects in the model |
Stability studies fits two models with a random batch factor. The largest model contains time, the random batch factor, and the random interaction between time and batch.
y = Xβ + Z1μ1 + Z2μ2 + ε
The smaller model contains time and the random batch factor.
y = Xβ + Z1μ1 + ε
The general variance-covariance matrix of the response vector, y, is:
V(σ2) = V(σ2, σ21, ... , σ2c) = σ2In + σ21Z1Z'1 + ... + σ2cZcZ'c
σ2 = (σ2, σ21, ... , σ2c)'
σ2, σ21, ... , σ2c are called variance components.
By factoring from the variance, you can find a representation of H(θ), which is in the computation of the log-likelihood of mixed models.
V(σ2) = σ2H(θ) = σ2[In + θ1Z1Z'1 + ... + θcZcZ'c]
Term | Description |
n | the number of observations |
p | the number of parameters in β, 2 for stability studies |
σ2 | the error variance component |
X | the design matrix ––for the fixed terms, the constant and time |
H(θ) | In + θ1Z1Z'1 + ... + θcZcZ'c |
In | the identity matrix with n rows and columns |
θi | the ratio of the variance of the ith random term over the error variance |
Zi | the n x mi matrix of known codings for the ith random effect in the model |
mi | the number of levels for the ith random effect |
c | the number of random effects in the model |
|H(θ)| | the determinant of H(θ) |
X' | the transpose of X |
H-1(θ) | the inverse of H(θ) |
Box-Cox transformation selects lambda values, as shown below, which minimize the residual sum of squares. The resulting transformation is Y λ when λ ≠ 0 and ln(Y) when λ = 0. When λ < 0, Minitab also multiplies the transformed response by −1 to maintain the order from the untransformed response.
Minitab searches for an optimal value between −2 and 2. Values that fall outside of this interval might not result in a better fit.
Here are some common transformations where Y′ is the transform of the data Y:
Lambda (λ) value | Transformation |
λ = 2 | Y′ = Y 2 |
λ = 0.5 | Y′ = ![]() |
λ = 0 | Y′ = ln(Y ) |
λ = −0.5 | ![]() |
λ = −1 | Y′ = −1 / Y |
If the Batch*Time interaction is significant, the analysis fits the first model. If the interaction is not significant but the Batch term is significant in the second model, the analysis fits the second model. Otherwise, the analysis fits the third model.
The test for whether to pool batches is slightly different from the test to include batch, although both depend on the chi-square distribution. The formulas for the test statistics and p-values are as follow.
difference = −2L2 − (−2L1)
p = 0.5 * Prob(χ21 > difference) + 0.5 * Prob(χ22 > difference)
difference = −2L3 − (−2L2)
p = 0.5 * Prob(χ21 > difference)
Term | Description |
La | the log-likelihood for model a |
p | the p-value for the test |
Prob(χ21> difference) | the probability that a random variable from a chi-square distribution with 1 degree of freedom is greater than the difference |
Prob(χ22> difference) | the probability that a random variable from a chi-square distribution with 2 degrees of freedom is greater than the difference |