In best subsets regression, Minitab uses a procedure called the Hamiltonian Walk, which is a method for calculating all possible subsets of predictors, one subset per step. That is, Minitab calculates all 2**m - 1 subsets in 2**m - 1 steps, where m is the number of predictors in the model. Minitab evaluates a different subset regression at each step.
Each subset in the Hamiltonian Walk differs from the preceding subset by the addition or deletion of only one variable. The sweep operator "sweeps" a variable in or out of the regression on each step of the Hamiltonian Walk, and calculates the R2 for each subset.
For a model with multiple predictors, the equation is:
y = β0 + β1x1 + … + βkxk + ε
The fitted equation is:
In simple linear regression, which includes only one predictor, the model is:
y=ß0+ ß1x1+ε
Using regression estimates b0 for ß0, and b1 for ß1, the fitted equation is:
Term | Description |
y | response |
xk | kth term. Each term can be a single predictor, a polynomial term, or an interaction term. |
ßk | kth population regression coefficient |
ε | error term that follows a normal distribution with a mean of 0 |
bk | estimate of kth population regression coefficient |
fitted response |
R2 is also known as the coefficient of determination.
Term | Description |
yi | i th observed response value |
mean response | |
i th fitted response |
Term | Description |
MS | Mean Square |
SS | Sum of Squares |
DF | Degrees of Freedom |
Term | Description |
n | number of observations |
ei | ith residual |
hi | ith diagonal element of X (X' X)-1X' |
While the calculations for R2(pred) can produce negative values, Minitab displays zero for these cases.
Term | Description |
yi | i th observed response value |
mean response | |
n | number of observations |
ei | i th residual |
hi | i th diagonal element of X(X'X)–1X' |
X | design matrix |
Term | Description |
SSEp | sum of squared errors for the model under consideration |
MSEm | mean square error for the model with all candidate terms |
n | number of observations |
p | number of terms in the model, including the constant |
Term | Description |
MSE | mean square error |
Observations with weights of 0 are not in the analysis.
Term | Description |
n | the number of observations |
R | the sum of squares for error for the model |
wi | the weight of the ith observation |
AICc is not calculated when .
Term | Description |
n | the number of observations |
p | the number of coefficients in the model, including the constant |
Term | Description |
p | the number of coefficients in the model, including the constant |
n | the number of observations |
Term | Description |
C | the condition number |
λmaximum | the maximum eigenvalue from the correlation matrix of the terms in the model, not including the intercept |
λminimum | the minimum eigenvalue from the correlation matrix of the terms in the model, not including the intercept |