Select the graphs to display for Random Forests® Regression

Predictive Analytics Module > Random Forests® Regression > Graphs

This command is available with the Predictive Analytics Module. Click here for more information about how to activate the module.

Select the graphs that you want to display for the analysis.

R-squared vs. number of trees plot
The R-squared vs. number of trees plot shows the relationship between R-squared value and the number of trees in the model.
Variable importance chart
The variable importance chart shows the relative importance of the predictors. You can choose whether to display all or some of the important variables. Variables increase in importance when they split a node in any tree in the analysis.
  • Display all important variables: By default, this chart displays all important variables.
  • Display a percentage of important variables: Specify the percentage of important variables to display. Enter a value between 0 and 100.
  • Display all predictor variables: Display all predictors whether or not they are important variables.
Fitted vs. actual response value plot
The Fitted vs. actual response value plot shows the fitted Y (response) values versus the actual Y (response) values for the out-of-bag data. If you added validation with a test data set, the plot also shows the values for the test data set.
Boxplot of residuals
The Boxplot of residuals shows the residual values or the percent residuals for the out-of-bag data. If you added validation with a test data set, the plot also shows the values for the test data set.