Cross the variables to create a two-way table

Crossing variables lets you use simple correspondence analysis to analyze three-way and four-way contingency tables.

  1. Cross the first two variables to form rows and/or the last two variables to form columns.
  2. Enter three categorical variables to do one cross, and four categorical variables to do two crosses.


The following example shows row crossing. Column crossing is similar. Suppose you have two variables. The row variable, Gender, has two levels: male and female. The column variable, Age, has three levels; young, middle aged, elderly.

Crossing Gender with Age will create 2 x 3 = 6 rows, ordered as follows:
Male Young
Male Middle aged
Male Elderly
Female Young
Female Middle aged
Female Elderly

By default, Minitab orders text values alphabetically. The order previously shown will only show if you define a custom value order.