Select the results to display for Simple Correspondence Analysis

Stat > Multivariate > Simple Correspondence Analysis > Results
Select the results to display. If you do not select any options, Minitab displays only the row contributions, column contributions, and an analysis of contingency table. For more information on the results, go to All statistics and graphs.
Contingency table
Display a two-way table that tallies observations according to the categorical variables.
Row profiles
Display row profiles, which are proportions that are calculated from the counts, nij, in the original contingency table. This option also displays the row masses, which are the row totals of the matrix of relative frequencies.
Column profiles
Display column profiles, which are proportions that are calculated from the counts, nij, in the original contingency table. This option also displays the column masses, which are the column totals of the matrix of relative frequencies.
Expected frequencies
Display the expected frequency for each cell of the contingency table.
Observed: expected frequencies
Display the difference between the observed frequency and the expected frequency for each cell of the contingency table.
Chi-square values
Display the χ2 distance for each cell of the contingency table. The χ2 distance measures the association between categorical variables.
Display the table of the relative inertia for each cell of the contingency table.