Select the graphs for Principal Components Analysis

Stat > Multivariate > Principal Components > Graphs

Scree plot
Use a scree plot to identify the number of components that explain most of the variation in the data.
Score plot for first 2 components
Use the score plot to look for clusters, trends, and outliers in the first two principal components.

To create score plots for other components, store the scores and choose Graph > Scatterplot to display them.

Loading plot for first 2 components
Use the loading plot to visually interpret the first two principal components.

To create simple loading plots for other components, store the loadings and use Graph > Scatterplot to display them. If you want to connect the loading point to the zero point, add a zero to the bottom of each column of loadings in the worksheet, then add lines connecting the loading points to the zero point using the graph annotation tools.

Biplot for first 2 components
Use the biplot to look for clusters, trends, and outliers through the interpretation of the first two principal components. The biplot overlays the score plot and the loading plot on the same graph.
Outlier plot
Use the outlier plot to identify outliers in the data.