Method table for Analyze Binary Response for Factorial Design

Find definitions and interpretation guidance for every statistic in the Method table.

Response information

Minitab displays this information about the response:
Name of the column that contains the Number of events and name of the column that contains the Number of trials for the response.
For the Number of events, there are 2 levels, Event and Non-event. For the Number of trials, there is one level, which is the total.
Number of observations for the event, the non-event, and the total.
Event Name
Identifies which level of the response is the reference event. By default, Minitab uses "Event".


Use the response information to examine how much data are in the analysis. Larger random samples with many occurrences of each level usually provide more accurate inferences about the population.

Also use the response information to determine which event is the reference event. Interpretation of statistics like coefficients and odds ratios depend on which event is the reference event.