Data sets that are used in Six Sigma module help

The following data sets are used in reports and examples in the Six Sigma module help.


SixSigma.MTW is used to create the Process Reports in the help.

A brake manufacturer wants to investigate its manufacturing process. The manufacturer collected brake shoe hardness data.

Column Count Description
C1-T 14 Demographic labels
C2-T Hardness 14 Demographic information
C3 Measure1 50 First hardness measurement within a subgroup
C4 Measure2 50 Second hardness measurement within a subgroup
C5 Measure3 50 Third hardness measurement within a subgroup
C6 Measure4 50 Fourth hardness measurement within a subgroup
C7 Measure5 50 Fifth hardness measurement within a subgroup
C8 Alldata 250 All hardness measurements by subgroup
C9 Subg 250 Subgroup identification


Rollup.MTW is used in to create the Product Reports in the help.

A manufacturer wants to investigate its manufacturing process and to generate benchmark statistics for its product.

Column Count Description
C1 Def 20 Number of defects found
C2 Unit 20 Number of units inspected
C3 Opp 20 Number of opportunities per unit
C4 Cmplx 20 Complexity, the required number of elements for each assembly
C5 Def2 120 Number of defects found for assembly 2
C6 Unit2 120 Number of units inspected for assembly 2
C7 Opp2 120 Number of opportunities per unit for assembly 2
C8 Shift 120 Z.Shift values for the components of assembly 2


Brake.MTW is used in Example of Calculate Gap Pools and Example of Allocate Gap Pools in the help.

A brake manufacturer wants to establish tolerances for each element in a brake assembly.

Column Count Description
C1-T Elements 6 Name of each element in the brake assembly
C2 Means 6 Mean of each element in the brake assembly
C3 Dir Vectors 6 Directional vector of each element in the brake assembly
C4 St Dev 6 Standard deviation of each element in the brake assembly
C5 Cmplx 6 Number required of each element to produce a single brake assembly
C6 Drift 6 Ratio between the long-term and short-term standard deviation for each element
C7 Lowers 6 Lower gap specification
C8 Uppers 6 Upper gap specification
C9 Mean Alloc 6 Allocation weight for the mean pool of each element
C10 Var Alloc 6 Allocation weight for the variance pool of each element