If the column you enter for Standard deviations contains missing values, then a message asks whether you want to estimate the standard deviations. If you click Yes, then Minitab opens the Standard Deviation Estimator dialog box.
Use one of the methods below to enter values for each missing standard deviation. After you use the Standard Deviation Estimator, Minitab replaces the missing values in the worksheet with the estimated standard deviations.
To re-estimate the standard deviations, replace the estimated values with missing value symbols (*), then calculate the gap pools again.
When you enter an upper confidence limit, the calculation is σ = (upper confidence limit – μ) / Zα.
When you enter a lower confidence limit, the calculation is σ = (μ – lower confidence limit) / Zα.
α-value | Zα equals |
80 | 0.84162 |
90 | 1.28155 |
95 | 1.64485 |
99 | 2.32635 |
Although you can enter known standard deviations in the Standard Deviation Estimator, entering the values directly in the worksheet is easier.