The calculations for the long-term statistics differ, depending on whether you specified shift or drift (variation expansion) factors for the elements and which gap specifications are given.
For calculations for short-term statistics, go to Calculations for the gap distribution (short-term statistics) for Calculate Gap Pools.
ki = 1 + 8/15 |Si|
ki = Di|
ki = max{Di, 1 + 8/15 |Si|}
ki = max{Di, 1 + 8/15 |Si|}
ki = 1.8
Term | Description |
Ci | Diametrical correction of the ith element |
Di | Drift factor for the ith element |
Ni | Complexity of the ith element |
Si | Shift factor for the ith element |
σi | Standard deviation of the ith element |
σadj,i | Adjusted standard deviation of the ith element |
T | Gap targeted value (if not available, T = μGap,ST) |
Ti | Nominal value of the ith element |
μi | Mean of the ith element |
μadj,i | Adjusted mean of the ith element |
Vi | Directional vector of the ith element |
wi | Allocation weight for the mean pool or the variance pool, ith element |
Z.BenchGap,LT | Benchmark Z (long-term) of the gap |
Z.BenchGap,ST | Benchmark Z (short-term) of the gap |
Z.Benchi,LT | Benchmark Z (long-term) of the ith element |
Z.Benchi,ST | Benchmark Z (short-term) of the ith element |
ZP | Z-value, which gives desired PPM (right tail) for long-term gap distribution |