Enter your data for Pareto Chart

Stat > Quality Tools > Pareto Chart

Enter your data

Complete the following steps to specify the data for the Pareto chart.

  1. In Defects or attribute data in, enter the column that contains the raw data or the summary data.
    • If you have a single column of raw data, enter that column.
    • If you have summary data, enter the column that contains the names of the defects.
    In both cases, the column can contain text or numeric data. If you use text data, be sure that the defect names are distinct within the first 15 characters.
  2. (Optional) In Frequencies in, enter the column that contains the counts of the summary data.
  3. (Optional) In BY variable in, enter the column that contains the group identifiers. Then, specify how you want the individual Pareto charts to be displayed.
    • Default (all on one graph, same ordering of bars): Display a matrix of Pareto charts, one for each group, using the same ordering of bars on each chart. The order of the bars is determined by the overall data set.
    • One group per graph, same ordering of bars: Display a Pareto chart for each group, using the same ordering of bars. The order of the bars in all of the Pareto charts is determined by the first group. Each chart is displayed in a separate graph.
    • One group per graph, independent ordering of bars: Order the bars in each group's Pareto chart independently of all other groups. Because the bars in each Pareto chart are in Pareto order, the order might be different between groups in the individual graphs. Each chart is displayed in a separate graph.
In this worksheet, Flaws contains the defect labels. Count contains the frequency of each defect type.
C1-T C2
Flaws Count
Scratch 112
Smudge 43
Peel 78
In this worksheet, Flaws contains the defects. Shift contains the optional grouping variable.
C1-T C2-T
Flaws Shift
Scratch Day
Scratch Day
Peel Day
Peel Day

Create an "Other" category for the remaining defects

Specify the percentage at which you want to create a category to represent the remaining defects.
  • Combine remaining defects into one category after this percent: Enter a value between 1 and 100 to define when to combine categories. Minitab generates bars for defect categories until the cumulative percentage surpasses the percentage that you specify. Then, Minitab groups the remaining defects into a category labeled "Other." For example, suppose the data have 10 categories. The cumulative percent of the largest 7 categories is 91. If you enter a value of 90, then the Pareto chart has individual bars for the first 7 categories. The remaining 3 categories combine into one bar with the label "Other."

    The analysis multiplies values between 0 and 1 by 100. A value of 0.95 makes the same chart as a value of 95.

  • Do not combine: Minitab generates bars for all the defect categories.