If the p-value for an interaction is 0.05 or higher, Minitab omits the interaction because it is not significant and generates a second ANOVA table without the insignificant interactions.
In this example, the p-values for the interactions are greater than 0.05. The p-value for the Operator*Part interaction is 0.189, and the p-value for the Operator*Station interaction is 0.598. Thus, Minitab generates a second two-way ANOVA table that omits the interactions from the final model.
The second ANOVA table contains the terms used in the final gage R&R calculations. Part (0.000) is a significant source of measurement variation at the α = 0.05 level of significance. However, Operator (0.099) and Station (0.202) are probably not significant sources of measurement variation.
Ideally, very little of the variability should be due to repeatability and reproducibility. Differences between parts (Part-to-Part) should account for most of the variability.
The %Contribution for the total gage R&R is 49.10%, which is approximately the same as part-to-part variation of 50.90%. The %Contribution for the repeatability variability is almost as high as the part-to-part value. When the %Contribution from the total gage R&R variation is much lower than the part-to-part variation, the measurement system can reliably distinguish between parts.
Use the percent study variation (%Study Var) to compare the measurement system variation to the total variation. The %Study Var uses the process variation, as defined by 6 times the process standard deviation. Minitab displays the %Tolerance column when you enter a tolerance value, and Minitab displays the %Process column when you enter a historical standard deviation.
According to AIAG guidelines, if the measurement system variation is less than 10% of the process variation, then the measurement system is acceptable. Total Gage R&R is approximately 70% of the study variation. Repeatability is 68.60% of the study variation, which indicates that the measurement system does not measure the same part consistently. The measurement system might need improvement. For more information, go to Is my measurement system acceptable?.
The components of variation graph shows the variation from the sources of measurement error. Minitab displays bars for %Tolerance when you enter a tolerance value, and Minitab displays bars for %Process when you enter a historical standard deviation.
This graph shows that part-to-part variability is approximately the same as the variability from repeatability and reproducibility. The total gage R&R variation is much higher than 30% and is unacceptable.