Select the graphs to display for Evaluate Measurement Process (EMP Crossed)

Stat > Quality Tools > Gage Study > Evaluate Measurement Process (EMP Crossed) > Graphs
Repeatability chart
The control limits on the chart show whether the ranges of measurements of each part by each operator are stable. Points outside the control limits indicate that an operator did not measure that part consistently.
Signal-to-noise chart
The control limits on the chart show whether the measurement system detects different parts. Points outside the control limits indicate that the differences among parts are greater than the measurement variation.
Contribution of variance component plot
The plot shows how much variation in the study is from the measurement system. Ideally, the variation among parts contributes most of the variation.
Parallelism plot
The plot compares the average measurements of each part by the operators. Ideally, the average measurements of each part by each operator are the same. Differences among parts or operators help reveal opportunities to improve the measurement system.
Analysis of main effect (ANOME) plot
The plot shows whether the averages of the measurements by different operators are the same. Points outside of the decision limits indicate differences in the averages among the operators.
Analysis of mean range (ANOMR) plot
The plot shows whether the average ranges of the measurements by different operators are the same. Points outside the decision limits indicate differences in how consistently the operators measure.