Enter your data for Evaluate Measurement Process (EMP Crossed)

Stat > Quality Tools > Gage Study > Evaluate Measurement Process (EMP Crossed)

Enter your data

Complete the following steps to specify the study data.

  1. In Parts, enter the column that contains the part names or numbers.
  2. In Operators, enter the column that contains the operator names or numbers.
  3. In Measurements, enter the column that contains the observed measurements.
In this worksheet, Part contains the part number identifiers, Operator contains the operator identifiers, and Measurement contains the measurements of each part.
C1 C2 C3
Part Operator Measurement
1 A 0.29
1 A 0.41
1 A 0.64
2 A -0.56

Method of Analysis

Select the statistical method for analyzing the measurement variability.
  • ANOVA: Use the analysis of variance (ANOVA) procedure to calculate variance components. The variance components estimate the percent variation due to the measuring system. The ANOVA method usually estimates the variances more accurately and provides more information about interactions.
  • Xbar and R: Use the sample ranges from each set of measurements from an operator on a part. The sample ranges are used to calculate the average range for repeatability. The Xbar and R method cannot calculate the variance of the operator-by-part interaction.

If the analysis uses the ANOVA method and the p-value for the Part*Operator interaction is less than the significance level for the analysis, then the analysis includes the interaction. By default, the significance level is 0.05. To change the significance level, choose File > Options > Control Charts and Quality Tools > Gage R&R Study, then change the value in Alpha to remove interaction term.