Methods and formulas for the repeatability chart by operator in Evaluate Measurement Process (EMP Crossed)

The repeatability chart is an R chart. For values of the unbiasing constants, go to Methods and formulas for estimating sigma for R Chart.

Center line

The value of the center line for each subgroup, , is calculated as follows:


ni number of observations in subgroup i
d2(·)value of unbiasing constant d2 that corresponds to the value specified in parentheses.
σprocess standard deviation

Plotted points

Each plotted point, ri, represents the range for subgroup i.

Control limits

Lower control limit (LCL)

The value of the lower control limit for each subgroup is equal to the greater of the following:


Upper control limit (UCL)

The value of the upper control limit for each subgroup is calculated as follows:


d2(·)value of unbiasing constant d2 that corresponds to the value specified in parentheses.
ninumber of observations in subgroup i
σprocess standard deviation
kparameter for Test 1 (The default is 3.)
d3(·)value of unbiasing constant d3 that corresponds to the value specified in parentheses.