Interpret the key results for Evaluate Measurement Process (EMP Crossed)

Step 1: Use the EMP statistics to classify the measurement system

Use the EMP statistics to determine whether the measurement system is good enough to use for process improvement activities. The Classification Guidelines table gives the probabilities of warning for an X-bar chart to have an out-of-control point within ten subgroups for test 1 or for tests 1, 5, 6 and 8. First-class and second-class measurement systems are usually good enough to use for process improvement activities with an X-bar chart that uses test 1. Third-class measurement systems are usually good enough to use for process improvement activities with an X-bar chart that uses rules 1, 5, 6, and 8.

EMP Statistics

Test-Retest Error0.1999 
Degrees of Freedom78.0000 
Probable Error0.1349 
Intraclass Correlation (no bias)0.9645First Class
Intraclass Correlation (with bias)0.9224First Class
Bias Impact0.0421 

Classification Guidelines

Attenuation of
Process Signals
of Warning,
Test 1*
Probability of
Warning, Tests*
First Class0.80 - 1.00Less than 11%0.99 - 1.001.00
Second Class0.50 - 0.8011 - 29%0.88 - 0.991.00
Third Class0.20 - 0.5029 - 55%0.40 - 0.880.92 - 1.00
Fourth Class0.00 - 0.20More than 55%0.03 - 0.400.08 - 0.92
*Probability of detecting a three-standard-deviation shift within 10 subgroups using test 1
     or tests 1, 5, 6, and 8.
Key result: Classification

In these results, the classification guidelines show that the measurement system is first class. The measurements contain a hundredths place, but the probable error is over one tenth. The results recommend that the measurements go to the tenths place instead of the hundredths place.

Step 2: Use the charts to identify improvement opportunities

Use the charts to identify opportunities to improve the measurement system.
Repeatability chart by operator
Shows whether any points fall above the upper control limit.

If the operators measure consistently, the points will fall within the control limits.

Signal-to-noise chart by operator
Shows whether most points fall beyond the control limits.

The parts that you choose for a gage study should represent the typical part-to-part variability. Thus, you should expect more variation between part averages, and the graph should show that most points fall beyond the control limits.

Parallelism plot
Shows whether the lines that connect the measurements from each operator are similar or whether the lines cross each other.

Lines that are coincident indicate that the operators measure similarly. Lines that are not parallel or that cross indicate that an operator's ability to measure a part consistently depends on which part is being measured. A line that is consistently higher or lower than the others indicates that an operator adds bias to the measurement by consistently measuring high or low.

Analysis of main effects (ANOME)
Shows whether differences between operators are small compared to the differences between parts.

Points within the decision limits indicate that the mean measurements for each operator are similar.

Analysis of mean ranges (ANOMR)
Shows whether operators measure consistently compared to each other.

Points within the decision limits indicate that the mean ranges for each operator are similar.

Key results: Charts

On the repeatability chart, the sample range for part 4 by operator B exceeds the upper control limit. To identify an opportunity to improve the measurement system, investigate this sample for any special causes that explain the large range.

On the signal-to-noise chart, at least 7 points are out-of-control for each operator. The ability of the measurement system to distinguish parts seems sufficient.

On the parallelism plot, the measurements for operator A are consistently greater than the measurements for the other operators and the measurements for operator C are consistently less than the others. Use the decision limits on the ANOME chart to verify that these differences are large enough for the measurement system to distinguish.

On the ANOME chart, the point for operator A is above the upper decision limit and the point for operator C is below the lower decision limit. The measurement system indicates that the measurements for operator A have a higher mean and the measurements for operator C have a lower mean. To improve the measurement system, reduce the differences among operators.

On the ANOMR chart, the point for operator B is above the upper decision limit. This result is consistent with the out-of-control point for operator B on the repeatability chart.