Example of Create Gage R&R Study Worksheet

A quality engineer for an electrode manufacturer wants to evaluate the measurement system that measures the outer diameter of electrode shafts to determine whether the system accurately measures the shaft. This study examines 90 runs of 15 parts, 3 operators, and 2 replicates.

The engineer wants to create a data collection worksheet to collect the measurements from the operators in random order.

  1. Choose Stat > Quality Tools > Gage Study > Create Gage R&R Study Worksheet.
  2. In Number of parts, enter 15.
  3. In Number of operators, enter 3.
  4. In Number of replicates, enter 2.
  5. Click OK.


The 3 operators measure each of the 15 electrodes two times, for a total of 90 measurements. The run order lists the order in which the measurements should be taken. Operator 1 measures part 6 first, then measures part 4. By default, runs are randomized within operators, so Operator 1 measures all the parts first, Operator 2 measures them second, and Operator 3 measures them third. All operators should measure all the parts before they start the second sequence of replicates. Measurement values may be recorded in C4.

If you perform the example steps, the data collection order in your worksheet will be different than the order in this worksheet, because the order for each worksheet is random. If you want to generate the same order more than one time, set the base of the random number generator.

C1 C2-T C3-T
RunOrder Parts Operators
1 6 1
2 4 1
3 3 1
4 10 1
5 2 1
6 5 1