Between/within capability analysis is based on the following four standard deviations:
σwithin is an estimate of the variation within subgroups (for example, one shift, one operator, or one material batch). Minitab estimates σwithin using one of the following methods:
If you change the default method and choose not to use the unbiasing constant, σwithin is estimated by Sp.
Term | Description |
d | Degrees of freedom for Sp= Σ (ni- 1) |
Xij | jth observation in the ith subgroup |
X̅i | Mean of the ith subgroup |
ni | Number of observations in the ith subgroup |
C4(d+1) | Unbiasing constant |
Γ(·) | Gamma function |
If n are all the same:
Term | Description |
ri | Range of the ith subgroup |
d2 (ni) | An unbiasing constant read from a table (for more information, see the section Unbiasing constants d2(), d3(), and d4() |
d3 (ni) | An unbiasing constant read from a table (for more information, see the section Unbiasing constants d2(), d3(), and d4() |
ni | Number of observations in the ith subgroup |
If you change the default setting and do not use the unbiasing constant, σwithin is estimated by Σ Si / number of subgroups.
Term | Description |
C4(ni) | Unbiasing constant (as defined for pooled standard deviation) |
Si | Standard deviation of subgroup i |
ni | Number of observations in the ith subgroup |
σBetween is an estimate of the variation between subgroups (for example, subgroups collected at set intervals, batches, or by different operators).
Term | Description |
Ri | The ith moving range |
w | The number of observations used in the moving range. The default is w = 2. |
d2(w) | An unbiasing constant read from a table (for more information, see the section Unbiasing constants d2(), d3(), and d4() |
Term | Description |
MRi | The ith moving range |
![]() | Median of the MRi |
w | The number of observations used in the moving range. The default is w = 2. |
d4(w) | An unbiasing constant read from a table (for more information, see the section Unbiasing constants d2(), d3(), and d4() |
If you change the default setting and do not use the unbiasing
constant, σwithin is estimated by
Term | Description |
di | Differences of successive group means |
C4(ni) | Unbiasing constant (as defined for the pooled standard deviation) |
C4'(ni) | Unbiasing constant ≈ c4(ni). For more information, see the section Unbiasing constant c4'(). |
N | Total number of observations |
ni | Number of observations in the ith subgroup |
Term | Description |
σ2Between | Variance between subgroups |
σ2within | Variance within subgroups |
By default, Minitab does not use the unbiasing constant when estimating σoverall. σoverall is estimated by S. If you want to estimate overall standard deviation using the unbiasing constant, you can change this option on the Estimate subdialog box when you perform the capability analysis. If you always want Minitab to use the unbiasing constant by default, choose and select the appropriate options.
Term | Description |
Xij | The jth observation in the ith subgroup |
X̅ | Process mean |
ni | Number of observations in the ith subgroup |
C4 (N) | Unbiasing constant (as defined for the pooled standard deviation) |
N (or Σ ni) | Total number of observations |
The Box-Cox transformation estimates a lambda value, as shown in the following table, which minimizes the standard deviation of a standardized transformed variable. The resulting transformation is Yλ when λ ҂ 0 and ln Y when λ = 0.
The Box-Cox method searches through many types of transformations. The following table shows some common transformations where Y' is the transform of the data Y.
Lambda (λ) value | Transformation |
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