CART® Classification

This example applies to the Supply Chain Module. For more information, go to

Predict Perfect Order Delivery Rate

Use CART® Classification to use complex relationships with multiple predictors to predict perfect order delivery rate.


Perfect order delivery rate is the proportion of orders that are error-free from beginning to end.

In this worksheet, Order Status is the response. The response event is Error-free. Number of Items is the continuous predictor, and Region, Carrier, and Freight Class are categorical predictors.

C1-T C2 C3-T C4-T C5-T
Order Status Number of Items Region Carrier Freight Class
Error-free 5 Northwest Speedy Shipping Class 125
Error-free 4 Northwest Global Delivery Class 100
Error 2 Midwest Ship-It-Fast Class 175
Error 1 Midwest Ship Now Class 100


  1. Choose Solutions Modules > Functions > Supply Chain KPIs, then select Launch.
  2. Under Quality, select Perfect order delivery rate.
  3. Select Predict perfect order delivery rate, then click OK.
  4. Select CART® Classification, then click OK.
  5. In Response, enter the binary variable that contains the error data. Binary variables are categorical variables that have two possible levels, such as pass/fail or true/false. The response is also called the Y variable.
  6. In Response event, select the value that represents an order is error-free.
  7. In Continuous predictors, enter the continuous variables that may explain or predict whether an order is error-free. The predictors are also called X variables.
  8. In Categorical predictors, enter the categorical variables that may explain or predict whether an order is error-free. The predictors are also called X variables.
  9. Click OK.

For more information about this analysis, click Help in the main dialog box.