Gage R&R Study (Expanded) for Perform Expanded Study

Use Gage R&R Study (Expanded) to assess the variation in your measurement system when one or more of the following conditions exist.
  • You have more than two factors, for example, operator, gage, and part.
  • You want to declare some factors as fixed factors.
  • You have both crossed and nested factors.
  • You have an unbalanced design.

This example applies to the Measurement System Analysis Module. For more information, go to


In this worksheet, Part contains the part number identifiers, Operator contains the operator identifiers, Machine contains the machine identifier, and Measurement contains the measurements of each part.

C1 C2-T C3 C4
Part Operator Machine Measurement
6 A 1 0.29
4 A 1 0.41
3 A 1 0.64
10 A 2 -0.56
2 A 2 -0.68


  1. Choose Solutions Modules > Capabilities > Measurement System Analysis, then select Launch.
  2. Under Gage R&R Study, select Select a Gage R&R Study.
  3. Select Perform expanded study, then click OK.
  4. Select Gage R&R Study (Expanded), then click OK.
  5. In Part numbers, enter the column that contains the part names or numbers.
  6. In Operators, enter the column that contains the operator names or numbers.
  7. In Measurement data, enter the column that contains the observed measurements.
  8. (Optional) In Additional factors, enter a maximum of 8 columns that contain factor level names or numbers.
  9. (Optional) In Fixed factors, specify the parts, operators, and/or factors that you entered in Additional factors as fixed factors. By default, Minitab assumes that factors are random factors, unless you specify them as fixed factors.
  10. (Optional) In Nesting: (e.g., Parts(Operators) ... Parts nested in Operators), specify nesting among the factors using parentheses.
  11. Click OK.

For more information about this analysis, click Help in the main dialog box.