One-Way ANOVA for Perform Operator Bias Study

Use One-Way ANOVA when you have a categorical factor and a continuous response and want to determine whether the population means of two or more groups differ.

This example applies to the Measurement System Analysis Module. For more information, go to


In this worksheet, Part contains the part number identifiers, Operator contains the operator identifiers, and Measurement contains the measurements of each part.

C1 C2-T C3
Part Operator Measurement
1 A 5.8
2 A 5.3
3 A 5.7
4 A 5.1
5 A 5.8
6 B 5.6
7 B 5.1
8 B 5.2
9 B 5.0
10 B 5.8


  1. Choose Solutions Modules > Capabilities > Measurement System Analysis, then select Launch.
  2. Under Destructive Gage R&R Study, select Select a Destructive Gage R&R Study.
  3. Select Perform operator bias study, then click OK.
  4. Select One-Way ANOVA, then click OK.
  5. From the drop-down list, select Response data are in one column for all factor levels.
  6. In Response, enter the column that contains the continuous data.
  7. In Factor, enter the column that contains the Operator classifications.
  8. Click OK.

For more information about this analysis, click Help in the main dialog box.