Attribute Gage Study (Analytic Method) for Compare Attribute To Continuous Measurements

Use Attribute Gage Study (Analytic Method) to assess the amount of bias and repeatability in an attribute gage that gives a binary response, such as pass or fail.

This example applies to the Measurement System Analysis Module. For more information, go to


A manufacturing engineer assesses the automated attribute measurement system that is used for accepting or rejecting bolts. Part contains the identifiers for 10 parts. Reference contains the known reference values. The engineer runs each part through a go/no-gage 20 times. Acceptances contains the number of acceptances for each part.

The system has a lower tolerance of −0.020 and an upper tolerance of 0.020.

C1 C2 C3
Part Reference Acceptances
1 -0.050 0
2 -0.045 1
3 -0.040 2
4 -0.035 5
5 -0.030 8
6 -0.025 12
7 -0.020 17
8 -0.015 20
9 -0.010 20
10 -0.005 20


  1. Choose Solutions Modules > Capabilities > Measurement System Analysis, then select Launch.
  2. Under Attribute/Inspection Study, select Select an Attribute/Inspection Study.
  3. Select Compare attribute to continuous measurements, then click OK.
  4. Select Attribute Gage Study (Analytic Method), then click OK.
  5. In Part numbers, enter the column that contains the part names or numbers.
  6. In Reference values, enter the column that contains the reference values for each part. The reference value is the known standard measurement for each part.
  7. Under Binary attributes in, select Summarized counts. Organize summarized data in the worksheet so that each row contains the part name or number, reference value, and summarized count. Parts can be text or numeric. Reference values and counts must be numeric.
  8. In Number of trials, enter the number of times that each part was measured.
  9. In Attribute label, you can enter a custom label.
  10. Click OK.

For more information about this analysis, click Help in the main dialog box.