CART® Classification for Predict First Contact Resolution

Use CART® Classification to use complex relationships with multiple predictors to predict whether an agent is likely to resolve a ticket during the first interaction with a customer.

This example applies to the Customer Contact Center Module. For more information, go to


First contact resolution (FCR) is the percentage of tickets that agents resolve during the first interaction with the customer.

In this worksheet, First Contact Resolution is the response. The response event is Resolved. Hold Time and Training Hours are continuous predictors, and Call Center Location and Department are categorical predictors.

C1-T C2 C3 C4-T C5-T
First Contact Resolution Hold Time Training Hours Call Center Location Department
Resolved 15.8 8.5 East Billing
Resolved 4.5 8.0 East Customer Service
Resolved 25.0 12.5 West Billing
Unresolved 50.2 6.5 West Customer Service


  1. Choose Solutions Modules > Functions > Customer Contact Center KPIs, then select Launch.
  2. Under Ticket Resolution, select First contact resolution.
  3. Select Predict first contact resolution, then click OK.
  4. Select CART® Classification, then click OK.
  5. In Response, enter the binary variable that contains the resolution status. Binary variables are categorical variables that have two possible levels, such as pass/fail or true/false. The response is also called the Y variable.
  6. In Response event, select the value that represents a ticket that was resolved during first contact.
  7. In Continuous predictors, enter the continuous variables that may explain or predict whether a ticket is resolved during the first interaction with a customer. The predictors are also called X variables.
  8. In Categorical predictors, enter the categorical variables that may explain or predict whether a ticket is resolved during the first interaction with a customer. The predictors are also called X variables.
  9. Click OK.

For more information about this analysis, click Help in the main dialog box.