Fit Regression Model for Predict Rating Scale Survey Responses

Use Fit Regression Model to use multiple predictors to predict survey responses.

This example applies to the Customer Contact Center Module. For more information, go to


A rating scale survey question is one where the response can take on many values, such as 1–10 or 1–100.

In this worksheet, Rating is the response. Hold Time is a continuous predictor, and Call Center Location is a categorical predictor. The predictors may explain differences in survey responses.

C1 C2 C3-T
Rating Hold Time Call Center Location
8 50 East
6 45 East
7 58 West
4 102 West


  1. Choose Solutions Modules > Functions > Customer Contact Center KPIs, then select Launch.
  2. Under Customer Satisfaction, select Rating scale survey.
  3. Select Predict rating scale survey responses, then click OK.
  4. Select Fit Regression Model, then click OK.
  5. In Responses, enter the column that contains the survey ratings. The response is also called the Y variable.
  6. In Continuous predictors, enter the columns of numeric data that may explain or predict changes in survey ratings. The predictors are also called X variables.
  7. In Categorical predictors, enter the categorical classifications or group assignments that may explain or predict changes in survey ratings. The predictors are also called X variables.
  8. Click OK.

For more information about this analysis, click Help in the main dialog box.