File > Options > Predictive
Analytics > Discover Best
Model (Binary Response)
Specify the default methods for
Discover Best Model
(Binary Response).
The changes you make to the defaults remain until you change them again, even
after you exit Minitab.
Criterion for selecting the best model
Choose the method to generate your optimal model. You can compare the
results from several methods to determine the best choice for your application.
The maximum likelihood method finds the maximum of the likelihood functions for
the data.
Maximum area under
ROC curve:
The maximum area under ROC curve method works well across many applications.
The area under the ROC curve measures how well the model ranks rows from most
likely to produce an event to least likely to produce an event.
misclassification rate:
Select this option to display results for the model that minimizes the
misclassification rate. The misclassification rate is based on a simple count
of how often the model predicts a case correctly or incorrectly.
Individual tree complexity parameter for
TreeNet® Classification models
Choose one of the following to limit the size of the trees.
terminal nodes per tree:
Enter a value between 2 and 2000 to represent the maximum number of terminal
nodes of a tree. Usually, 6 provides a good balance between calculation speed
and the investigation of interactions among variables. A value of 2 eliminates
the investigation of interactions.
Maximum tree
Enter a value between 2 and 1000 to represent the maximum depth of a tree. The
root node corresponds to a depth of 1. In many applications, depths from 4 to 6
give reasonably good models.