Example of Transpose Columns

A quality engineer tallies the various causes for tire repairs by quarter for the previous year. The engineer wants to transpose the columns so that each column contains the data for a quarter.

  1. Open the sample data, TireDamage.MTW.
  2. Choose Data > Transpose Columns.
  3. In Transpose the following columns, enter 'Damaged Liner'-'Valve Stem Leak'.
  4. From Store transpose, select After last column in use.
  5. In Create variable names using column, enter Quarter.
  6. Click OK.


Columns C2–C7 contain the original columns. (Columns C4–C7 are not shown). Columns C9–C12 contain the transposed columns with column names from C1. Column C8 contains the labels for the transposed columns.

C1-T C2 C3 ... C8-T C9 C10 C11 C12
Quarter Damaged Liner Damaged Sidewall ... Labels Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Q1 25 53 ... Damaged Liner 25 34 50 23
Q2 34 63 ... Damaged Sidewall 53 63 39 54
Q3 50 39 ... Leak from Seating 29 35 19 17
Q4 23 54 ... Puncture 73 94 158 89
        Valve Core Leak 63 43 35 43
        Valve Stem Leak 109 103 98 87