Use Probability Plot to evaluate the fit of a distribution to the data, to estimate percentiles, and to compare sample distributions. A probability plot displays each value versus the percentage of values in the sample that are less than or equal to it, along a fitted distribution line. The y-axis is transformed so that the fitted distribution forms a straight line.

For information about data considerations, examples, and interpretation, go to Overview for Probability Plot.

Continuous variables

Enter one or more numeric columns that you want to graph.


Choose one of the following layout options.

Separate graphs for each continuous variable
Creates a separate probability plot for each column in the Continuous variables field.
Overlay continuous variables
Columns in the Continuous variables field are overlaid on a single probability plot.

Group variable

Enter a variable that defines the groups. Group labels are shown in the graph legend.

By variables

Enter one or more grouping variables in By variables to create a separate probability plot for each level of the grouping variables. The columns that you enter must be the same length as the columns in Continuous variables. The y-scales for each variable are the same across the multiple probability plots.