Use Matrix Plot to assess the relationships between several pairs of variables at once. A matrix plot is an array of scatterplots.

For information about data considerations, examples, and interpretation, go to Overview for Matrix Plot.

Continuous variables

Enter columns of numeric data with the same number of rows. Minitab displays a scatterplot for each combination of variables.

In this worksheet, Rate of Return, Sales and Years are the graph variables. The graph shows the relationships between each possible combination of graph variables.

C1 C2 C3
Rate of Return Sales Years
15.4 50400200 18
11.3 42100650 15
9.9 39440420 12
... ... ...


By default, when you create a matrix of plots, Minitab displays both the lower left portion of the matrix and the upper right portion. The two portions display the same data with the axes reversed. For example, variables that appear on the x-axis in the lower left portion of the matrix appear on the y-axis in the upper right portion.

Full matrix
Lower left
Upper right

Group variable

Enter a variable that defines the groups. Groups are represented by different colors and symbols. For example, the following matrix plot shows the relationships between each possible combination of the variables Rate of Return, Sales and Years, divided into three groups.

Variable label placement

By default, Minitab displays the axes labels along the diagonal of the matrix plots. Select Boundary to display the axes labels along the border of the matrix.


Use the same scale across multiple graphs.

Same Y-scale
Use the same Y-scale across all graphs.
Same X-scale
Use the same X-scale across all graphs.