Select the graphs to display for Accelerated Life Testing

Stat > Reliability/Survival > Test Plans > Accelerated Life Testing > Graphs

Plots based on fitted model

Design value to include on plots
Enter a design value to include on the plots based on the fitted model (relation plot and probability plot for each accelerating level). You can enter one design value for each accelerating variable.
Relation plot
Display the relationship between each accelerating variable and failure time using a relation plot.
Plot percentiles for percents
Enter the percents for which you want to plot the percentiles. Then, indicate how you want Minitab to display the confidence intervals for the percentiles on the plot.
  • Display confidence intervals for middle percentile
  • Display confidence intervals for all percentiles
  • Display no confidence intervals
Display failure times on plot
Show the points for the failure times (the exact failure time or the midpoint of interval for interval-censored observation) on the plot.
Probability plot for each accelerating level based on fitted model:
Display a probability plot for each level of the accelerating variable based on the fitted model. Then, indicate how you want Minitab to display the confidence intervals for the levels on the plot.
  • Display confidence intervals for design value
  • Display confidence intervals for all levels
  • Display no confidence intervals

Diagnostic Plots

Specify the display options for the diagnostic plots.

Probability plot for each accelerating level based on individual fits
Display a probability plot that includes fitted lines that are calculated by individually fitting the distribution to each level of the accelerating variable.
Probability plot for standardized residuals
Display a probability plot for the standardized residuals. For more information, go to Which types of residuals are included in Minitab? and click "Standardized residuals".
Exponential probability plot for Cox-Snell residuals
Display an exponential probability plot for the Cox-Snell residuals. Cox-Snell residuals consider the distribution and the estimated parameters from the accelerated life model.
Display confidence intervals on diagnostic plots
Display confidence intervals on the diagnostic plots.

To change the method for calculating points on the probability plots, choose File > Options > Individual Graphs > Probability Plots.