Store statistics for Discover Best Model (Binary Response)

Predictive Analytics Module > Automated Machine Learning > Discover Best Model (Binary Response) > Storage

This command is available with the Predictive Analytics Module. Click here for more information about how to activate the module.

You can save statistics from your analysis to the worksheet so that you can use them in other analyses, graphs, and macros. Minitab stores the selected statistics after the last column of data. The names of the storage columns end with a number that increases as you store the same statistic multiple times.

Model object for prediction
Store the model object to use analyses that use the model results. For example, the model object enables the use of the Select an Alternative Model and Predict buttons in the results.
Predicted probability of each response level
Minitab stores the predicted event probability in the column PEvent and the predicted nonevent probability in the column PNonEvent.
Predicted response level
Minitab stores the predicted class in the column TClass.
Minitab stores the fitted values in the column Fit.