Create a contour plot

Graph > Contour Plot

Complete the following steps to specify the data for your graph.

  1. In Z variables, enter one or more columns that you want to explain or predict. The Z variable is the response of interest. By default, Minitab creates a separate graph for each Z variable.
  2. In Y variable, enter the column of y-values. The Y variable is an explanatory variable used to predict the response (Z).
  3. In X variable, enter the column of x-values. The X variable is an explanatory variable used to predict the response (Z).

In this worksheet, Quality is the Z variable, Temp is the Y variable, and Time is the X variable. The graph shows the relationship between quality, temperature, and time.

C1 C2 C3
Temp Time Quality
350 24 0.1
350 26 0.2
350 28 1.1
... ... ...