Which tools for acceptance sampling are included in Minitab?

Attribute acceptance sampling plans

Attribute sampling plans are based on the number of defects or the number of defective items in a sample. For example, how many defects are found in a sample of carpet, or how many bruised apples are in my sample.

To create an attribute acceptance sampling plan in Minitab, choose Stat > Quality Tools > Acceptance Sampling by Attributes.

Variables acceptance sampling plans and other tools

Variable sampling plans are based on quality characteristics that can be measured. For example, the thickness of silicon wafers may be inspected.

Create and compare sampling plans
To create a new sampling plan or compare various plans in Minitab, choose Stat > Quality Tools > Acceptance Sampling by Variables > Create/Compare.
Accept or reject a lot
To perform calculations and determine the disposition of a lot based on your sample data in Minitab, choose Stat > Quality Tools > Acceptance Sampling by Variables > Accept/Reject Lot.