Use a
CT Tree
during a brainstorm session to identify and to organize the inputs that are
critical to your customer.
Two of the more common CT trees are Critical To (CT) Quality and Critical To
(CT) Cost. On a CT tree, the 'Critical To' characteristic is at the top of the
tree. Affinities, which are categories, create the second level of the tree.
Inputs extend from the affinities.
CT Tree
answers the following questions.
Who are the customers?
What are the key drivers of
customer satisfaction?
What processes have an impact
on the key drivers of customer satisfaction?
For a particular project,
which customers are affected and how?
CT Tree
is a team tool. Include customers on the team whenever possible.
Determine the primary
drivers of customer satisfaction.
If you evaluate
critical-to-quality measures, list only the key drivers for quality.
If you evaluate
critical-to-cost measures, list only the key drivers for cost.
Link the key drivers of
customer satisfaction to the process.
Record the drivers and links
to the process.
You can quickly brainstorm ideas in the brainstorming list, then drag
them to the diagram to create associations between related ideas. For more
information, go to
Generate a brainstorm list.