Other options for the Prep Tool

The Prep Tool has many options to help you clean and organize your data from the data view in the worksheet.
  • Right-click the worksheet cell to open the options for a particular data record or data value. These options vary depending on the type of data in your table.
  • Select the column header to open the options for a data column.

Data record options

You can change one data value or data record at a time, or you can select multiple records. To select multiple records, check the boxes in the leftmost column. To select all the records, check the box at the top of the worksheet.

In this image, the second and fourth records are selected.

In this image, the box in the header row is selected; thus, all records are selected.

Show Data
Shows the entire data string in the selected cell. This is useful when the string is longer than the column width displays. Check Wrap Text to wrap the text within the view box. The text in the table will not wrap in the display columns.
Copy Records
Copies an entire record and adds to the top or the bottom of the worksheet, depending on the sort preference. If you want to change one or more fields of the record, select Edit to make your changes, then submit.

Because the system fields are unique identifiers, they will not be copied, but will contain unique identifiers.

Edit Records
Changes any field of the record.

System fields, custom fields, and custom SQL fields cannot be changed.

Edit as Text
Change any field of the record. Edit as Text allows you to easily modify the field in a text format.
Records to Text
Copy selected data as text to paste elsewhere.
Delete Records
Deletes the records that you select.
With this Value
Filters the data to include only the values that you select. Right-click the value that you want to filter on then select With this Value. You can select several records and filter on the values in the same column.
Without this Value
Filters the data to exclude the values that you select. Right-click the value that you want to filter on then select Without this Value. You can select several records and filter on the values in the same column.
Note This
Add a note to a particular data value.

Column options

These options are available when you open the dropdown menu by selecting the column name. When you modify column options, only the view of the data changes, not the data itself. Select Reset Config to revert to the original data.
Sort Asc
Sorts the data by the ascending order of this column.
Sort Desc
Sorts the data by the descending order of this column.
Limit List
Subsets the list to the values that you select.
Edit List
Recodes the existing list values with new list values in the selected column. For columns with many list items, start typing the name to narrow the results.
Find & Replace
Replaces an existing value with a new value in all records in the selected column. For example, you can replace all the 'Group A' values with 'A'.
Add a data manipulation, such as a sum, count, minimum, maximum, and many others. You can also modify the text, such as changing from uppercase to lowercase letters.
Freeze and Unfreeze
Freezes or unfreezes the selected column and the columns to the left of the selected column.
Highlight and Unhighlight
Highlights or unhighlights the selected column.
Expands the column width of the selected column so that text is not cut off.
Expand All
Expands the column width of all the columns so that text is not cut off. You can also use to contract columns that are wider than needed.

If the table includes a long text field, select the specific column header to expand it separately.

Filters the data to include the value that you enter.