Use a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) or a Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) to
communicate and transfer files between a server and Minitab Connect. You need the username and password for the server
to access the files and import them into Connect. For a SFTP connector, you can
alternatively use a Secure Shell (SSH) key instead of a username and password.
Both SFTP and FTP connectors interact with Connect the same way; however, the SFTP
connection provides more security than the FTP connection.
Set up a new connection
Complete the following steps to set up a connection in Minitab Connect.
- From the Home screen, select the
Add button under Tables.
- Enter a Name that identifies the table
and select a Folder to save the table.
- In Datasets, enter FTP or
SFTP and select the appropriate connector from
the results.
- On the Setup tab, enter the following:
- Under Beacon, specify which beacon you want
the connection to go through if you have multiple beacons. Usually,
the default works best.
- Under FTP Host or SFTP
Host, enter the host of the server.
- For a SFTP Port, you usually use port 22.
- If you use a FTP connection, you must enter the
Username and
Password for the sever. Contact your IT
department if you do not know the database username and password.
- Select Next.
- For an SFTP connection, use Authentication Method to
select whether to authenticate the server using a password or an SSH key. If
you use an SSH key, Connect creates a unique public key that you must add to
the authorized keys on your SFTP server.
- Under FTP Path or SFTP Path,
enter the path to the connection. The path name must end with a backslash
(/). If you want to connect to a subfolder, then enter the path to an
existing subfolder. Leave a single backslash to connect to the root folder.
- Select Next. Connect communicates with the server to
ensure that the credentials and directories are valid. If the connection is
successful, Connect displays a list of files and folders that are found on
the server.
- Select Save
Export a file to a connection
Complete the following steps to export data from a Minitab Connect table.
- Open the Outputs tab of the Flow Tool
- Select the plus sign
beside Export to add a new export.
- From Export, select New Export to set up an export to a
server. If you select One Time Download, Connect downloads the file
to your computer and does not create an export.
- Enter a Name for the export.
- Under View, select a saved view of the
table. If you select None, Connect exports all the
data from the table.
- Under Delivery, select Connection.
- Under Connection, select the FTP or SFTP
connection that you previously set up.
- Under FTP Path or SFTP Path in
the Delivery column, enter the path to store the
file. The path name must end with a back slash (/). If you want to export to
a subfolder, then enter the path to an existing subfolder. Leave a single
back slash to export to the root folder.
You can specify the file type and file name along with other options. After you save
the export, Connect adds it to the list of exports in the Outputs tab. Select
to run the export.