Minitab Model Ops® provides the ability to use a variety of sophisticated models to make predictions. You can set up a connection so that anytime you add records to a table, Connect sends the new data to Minitab Model Ops. Then Minitab Model Ops generates predictions for the new data and sends the predictions back to Connect. Finally, Connect stores the new predictions in the original table. For more information on Minitab Model Ops, go to Minitab Model Ops.
You cannot create a connection using mashup tables, SQL tables, or tables that you prep with an aggregate function.
If you do not have a field for each Minitab Model Ops parameters, you can use the Base Tool to add new fields to your table. For more information, go to Common tasks using the Base Tool and select "Add data fields to an existing table".
When you add a new record to the table, Connect sends the data to Minitab Model Ops. Minitab Model Ops generates predictions and sends them back to Connect. Connect stores the new values in the table.