Transform a continuous scale to get a different view of your data.
To transform a scale, use the following steps:
Double-click the graph.
Double-click the scale to open the Edit
Scale dialog box.
On the Transform tab, select the appropriate transformation.
A logarithmic scale linearizes logarithmic relationships by changing the axis, so that the same distance represents different changes in value across the scale. For example, in the scatterplot with the untransformed x-scale, the function y = ln(x) is not linear. When you transform the x-scale to logarithm base e, the form of the data is linear.
Untransformed x-scale
Transformed x-scale (log base e transformation)
You cannot use a logarithmic scale if the data include non-positive values.
For a power transformation, the data values are raised to the power that you specify and the scale remains linear. For example, in the scatterplot with the untransformed x-scale, the curvature in the data does not follow the linear fitted regression line. When you perform a power transformation on the x-scale, the data follow the linear fitted regression line.