Select the analysis options for Analyze Taguchi Design (Dynamic)

Stat > DOE > Taguchi > Analyze Taguchi Design > Analysis

Select the response tables and the linear models to generate.

Display response tables for
Signal to Noise ratios
Display response tables for signal-to-noise ratios.
Display response tables for slopes.
Standard deviations
Display response tables for standard deviations.
Fit linear model for
Signal to Noise ratios
Display linear model results for signal-to-noise ratios.
Display linear model results for slopes.
Standard deviations
Display linear model results for standard deviations.

If you selected Use ln(s) for all standard deviation output in the Select the options for Analyze Taguchi Design (Dynamic) sub-dialog box, Minitab uses the natural logarithm of the standard deviation for the standard deviations in the response table and linear models.