Enter your data for Test for Equal Variances

Stat > ANOVA > Test for Equal Variances

Response data are in one column for all factor levels

Complete the following steps if your response data for all groups or factor levels are in one column.

  1. From the drop-down list, select Response data are in one column for all factor levels.
  2. In Response, enter the column that contains the numeric data.
  3. In Factors, enter one or more columns that contain the group classifications.
In this worksheet, Corrections is the response and contains the observed number of steering corrections for each driver. Experience and Road type are categorical factors that might relate to the variability in the number of steering corrections.
C1 C2 C3
Corrections Experience Road type
4 High Paved
18 Low Gravel
8 High Dirt
10 Low Paved

Response data are in a separate column for each factor level

Complete the following steps if the response data for each group are in different columns. If you have one categorical factor, each column is a level of that factor. If you have more than one categorical factor, each column is a group that is a combination of factor levels from all factors.

  1. From the drop-down list, select Response data are in a separate column for each factor level.
  2. In Responses, enter the columns of numeric data that you want to analyze.
In this worksheet, High Paved, Low Paved, High Gravel, Low Gravel, and so on contain the correction times for a specific combination of experience level and road type. For example, the first column records the correction times for drivers who have high experience and drive on paved roads.
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
High Paved Low Paved High Gravel Low Gravel High Dirt Low Dirt
4 10 12 18 8 13
2 4 5 9 13 11
11 20 6 9 5 9
10 31 7 7 4 7