Store statistics for Analyze Variability

Stat > DOE > Factorial > Analyze Variability > Storage

You can save statistics from your analysis to the worksheet so that you can use them in other analyses, graphs, and macros. Minitab stores the selected statistics after the last column of data. The names of the storage columns end with a number that increases as you store the same statistic multiple times.

For more details on any of these statistics, go to All Statistics and Graphs.

Fits and residuals

Fits (ln units)
Minitab stores the fitted values for the natural log of the standard deviations in the column LFITS.
Ratio Residuals
Minitab stores the ratio residuals in the column RRES.
Ln residuals
Minitab stores the log residuals in the column LRES.
Standardized ln residuals
Minitab stores the standardized log residuals in the column SLRES.


Minitab stores the leverages in the column HI.
Cook’s distance
Minitab stores the Cook's distance in the column COOK.
Minitab stores the DFITS in the column DFIT.

Model information

Minitab stores the coefficients in the column COEF.
Minitab stores the effects in the column EFFE.
Ratio Effects
Minitab stores the ratio effects in the column REFF.
Design matrix
Minitab stores the design matrix in a matrix called XMAT. To view the matrix, choose Data > Display Data. To copy the matrix to the worksheet, choose Data > Copy > Matrix to Columns.
Minitab stores the means that you specify in the Options sub-dialog box in the columns SMEA.

Natural log transformation

Natural log transformation of standard deviation response
Minitab stores the transformed standard deviations in the column LNRESP.
Fits for original response
Minitab stores the back-transformed fitted standard deviations in the column BFIT.
Means for original response
Minitab stores the back-transformed fitted means in the column BSME.

Weights for use in Analyze Factorial Design

Weights for replicates
Minitab stores weights based on the fitted variances for use in Analyze Factorial Design in the column WGTS. The weights are the reciprocal of the fitted variances.
Weights for repeats
Minitab stores the adjusted weights in the column WGTS_ADJ1. Minitab can compute the weights only if you have repeat measurements and the design includes some replicated points. Weights are the reciprocal of the adjusted variance.
Mean response

Enter the column that contains the means of your repeats associated with the standard deviations. You can calculate and store the means in Pre-Process Responses for Analyze Variability.

Covariates (optional)
Enter one or more columns to adjust for the covariates.