Enter your data for Gage Run Chart

Stat > Quality Tools > Gage Study > Gage Run Chart

Complete the following steps to specify the gage run chart data.

  1. In Part numbers, enter the column that contains the part names or numbers.
  2. In Operators, enter the column that contains the operator names or numbers.
  3. In Measurement data, enter the column that contains the observed measurements.
  4. (Optional) In Trial numbers, enter the column that contains the trial numbers. For example, the first time an operator measures a part is trial 1. The second time an operator measures a part is trial 2.
  5. (Optional) In Historical mean, enter your own value to use as the horizontal reference line. By default, Minitab calculates the reference line as the mean of all observations. You can specify a different value, such as a historical mean, if you know it.

In this worksheet, Part contains the part number identifiers, Operator contains the operator identifiers, Measurement contains the measurements of each part, and Trial contains the trial identifier.
C1 C2 C3 C4
Part Operator Measurement Trial
1 A 0.29 1
1 A 0.41 2
1 A 0.64 3
2 A –0.56 1