Enter your data for Fit General Linear Model

Stat > ANOVA > General Linear Model > Fit General Linear Model

Complete the following steps to specify the columns of data that you want to analyze.

  1. In Responses, enter the columns of numeric data that you want to explain or predict with the factors. If you enter more than one response, Minitab fits a separate model for each response. The response is also called the Y variable.
  2. In Factors, enter the columns that contain group classifications that may explain or predict changes in the response.
  3. In Covariates, enter the columns that contain continuous variables that may explain or predict changes in the response.
In this worksheet, Salary is the response and contains the annual salaries of professors (in thousands of dollars). Subject is a factor and indicates the subject taught by each professor. Years is a covariate and indicates the years of experience of each professor. Analysts want to determine whether Subject and Years are related to Salary. The first row of the worksheet shows that the first professor earns $58,000 a year, teaches history, and has 3 years of experience.
C1 C2 C3
Salary Subject Years
58 History 3
45 Science 10
50 English 6
74 Business 19
42 Science 2
66 English 25