Edit attributes for fills, fonts, and lines

You can edit attributes, such as color or size, for fills, fonts, and lines on a graph.

Edit fill attributes

On many graphs, you can edit the color and pattern that is displayed in a filled region. For example, to edit the bars on a Pareto chart, use the following steps:
  1. Double-click the graph.
  2. Double-click the bars to open the Edit Bars dialog box.
  3. On the Attributes tab, you can change the pattern (type) and color of the fill, as well as the type, color, and size of the fill border and pattern. (The options for specific graphs may differ.)

Edit font attributes

You can change the font of the text on many graphs. For example, to change the font of the text on a cause-and-effect diagram, double-click the text. On the Font tab, you can change the color, style, font, and size of the text.
  1. Double-click the graph.
  2. Double-click the text to open the Edit Cause-and-Effect Diagram dialog box.
  3. On the Font tab, you can change the color, style, font, and size of the text.

Edit line attributes

You can edit the type, color, and size of the lines on many graphs. For example, to edit the lines on a cause-and-effect diagram, double-click the lines.
  1. Double-click the graph.
  2. Double-click the lines to open the Edit Cause-and-Effect Diagram dialog box.
  3. On the Attributes tab, you can change the type, color, and size of the line. (The options for specific graphs may differ.)