View the model for Response Optimizer

To perform this analysis in Minitab, go to the menu that you used to fit the model, then choose Response Optimizer > View Model.

The View Model dialog box displays information to help you determine whether you are using the correct model.

Minitab automatically stores the most recent model for a response variable each time you run the analysis. Any model that you previously fit for that response variable is overwritten. Therefore, verify that the current model is the correct model.

Response Optimizer uses a model that you fit and that Minitab automatically stored in your worksheet to estimate the optimal variable values. You must fit a model before you can use the Response Optimizer. If you want to optimize multiple responses, you must fit a model for each response. The optimal values are accurate only if all models represent the true relationships between the variables.

You can fit a model with different variables for each response. However, a variable in one model cannot be the response in another model. If a variable was not included in the model for a particular response, the optimization plot for that response-variable combination will be blank.

For more information, go to Stored model overview.

Model type
The Response drop-down list below displays only the models in the worksheet that are of the type that is listed and that can optimize responses.
Select a response variable to see what terms are in the model for this response.
Displays the terms that are in the most recent model that you fit for the response variable. Use your knowledge of the analysis to determine whether the current terms in the model correspond to the correct model. You cannot modify the term list.
Model status
Displays the status of the model for the response variable. If the model is out of date, you need to re-fit the model before you can use the model. A model is out of date when the data have changed since you fit the model.