Stakeholder Analysis

Use the Stakeholder Analysis form to summarize the impact that stakeholders, or key supporters, have on a project. Key supporters are active, interested, and powerful and can help advance the project.

The Stakeholder Analysis keeps key supporters informed so you can leverage their support. This form also helps to identify key opponents, who might negatively affect the project, so you can address their needs and objections.

The Stakeholder Analysis form answers the following questions.
  • Who are the key supporters?
  • Who are the key opponents?


  1. Identify stakeholders by name within the various stakeholder categories. Add or modify categories as needed.
  2. Apply a code to each name for charting purposes.
  3. Using a small team, evaluate and record the attitude, activity, power, and interest for each stakeholder.
    • Attitude towards the project: (-10 = strongly against to +10 = strongly for)
    • Activity relative to the project: (0 = completely passive to 10 = strongly active)
    • Power within the organization to affect the project: (0 = no effective power to 10 = powerful influence)
    • Interest in the project: (0 = no interest to 10 = very interested)
  4. Evaluate the two plots to determine the status of each stakeholder.

For more information, go to Add and complete a form.