With the PPAP project
template, use the Part Submission Warrant to confirm that the components meet customer requirements and specifications. It
serves as a summary of the entire PPAP submission.
The Part Submission Warrant answers the following questions.
What are the components of this project?
What are the reasons for this submission?
What are the details of this submission?
Who is responsible for authorizing changes?
Enter information about parts, including the following sections.
In the Additional Engineering
Changes table, add rows to enter new requirements or changes.
Under Checking Aid, enter information about the list of tools used to inspect, test,
or measure parts.
Enter information about the organization.
Enter information about the customer.
Select at least one reason for the submission.
Select the submission level, according to the PPAP guidelines, to indicate
which documents you must submit to the customer and which documents you can
Enter any remaining information, including explanations, comments, contact
information, and required approvals and signatures.