Use the Kano Model form to categorize and plot customer requirements to prioritize product features. Use the Kano Model for QFD form with the QFD Project and CDOV Project templates, which share data with the Pairwise Comparison Matrix and the House of Quality forms.
The Kano Model answers the following questions.
  • How can we better understand our customers' wants and needs?
  • What features do customers expect?
  • What features do customers find frustrating?
  • What features do customers find delightful?
  • What features should we invest in to increase customer satisfaction?


  1. Gather “Voice of Customer" (VOC) feedback to uncover customer perceptions about the product features. Ask two questions for each feature.
    • "What if this feature is fully functional?" to determine how customers feel if the feature is implemented well.
    • "What if this requirement is dysfunctional?" to determine how customers feel if the feature is not implemented well or if the feature is not implemented at all.
  2. In the Kano Evaluation Table, enter customer features.
  3. For each feature, select the option that best describes how customers feel if the feature is met or not met and the importance of the feature. The combination of your selections is assigned to one of the following categories and displayed in the Kano Category column.
    • Must-Be: Without these mandatory "must-have" features, the product is perceived as incomplete, which decreases customer satisfaction.
    • Performance: Features that perform better than expected increase customer satisfaction proportionally. The better the product performs, the more satisfied the customer is.
    • Attractive: Described as "delighters", "innovators", or "nice-to-haves", these unexpected features create a positive reaction and increase customer satisfaction.
    • Indifferent: These features are neither good nor bad and result in neither satisfaction nor dissatisfaction.
    • Reverse: These features might be overly simple or overly complex, which may cause satisfaction or dissatisfaction for some customers.
    • Questionable: Features in this category indicate that customers might have misunderstood or misinterpreted the question. When this happens, clarify the question.
    To see how the categories are assigned, open the Kano Matrix.
  4. In the Implementation Level column, enter a number between -100 (not implemented) and 100 (fully implemented) to describe the degree to which the feature is implemented in the final product and how much is invested in its development.
  5. In the Satisfaction Level, enter a number between -100 (dissatisfaction and frustration) and 100 (excitement and delight) to describe the degree to which customers are satisfied with the functionality the feature provides in the final product.
  6. Review the graph to determine how to prioritize the features and increase customer satisfaction.
    • Basic Needs - Must Be: Features in this area lead to increased satisfaction with little investment. After "basic needs" are met, you can stop investing in them.
    • Attractive - Delighters: Features in this area lead to increased satisfaction, even if the feature has limited functionality.
    • Performance: Features in this area lead to increased satisfaction with every increase in functionality. However, increased functionality requires more investment.

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