Use tags to group and organize system elements in Real-Time SPC. Tags allow you to easily filter dashboard data. Tags are available across the platform.

Tags are available through the Administration portal.

Real-Time SPCTM provides four types of tags.
  • Global Tags: Use global tags to group and organize all elements.
  • Product Tags: Use product tags to group and organize products.
  • Process Tags: Use process tags to group and organize processes.
  • Station Tags: Use station tags to group and organize stations.

To add a tag, select Add Tag and enter the tag name. Use a consistent naming convention for tags across your organization.

You can edit a tag name to update all instances of the tag name in the system. You can also delete a tag from the list and remove it from any object to which it had previously been assigned.

Example of Tags

Because the Flavorful Fruit Company has many different types of products that use similar processes, they decide to add product and process tags.

Product Tags
The Flavorful Fruit Company adds product tags for the 100% Fruit Spread, Jelly, Jam, and Preserves products.
Process Tags
The Flavorful Fruit Company adds process tags for the Inspection, Cleaning, and Pasteurizing processes.