Real-Time SPC manages your quality data daily by purging old data from the app and exporting to Minitab Connect.
Who can update data settings?
Users with appropriate permissions can configure the data management settings. By default, all users with Administrator permissions can perform updates. Other roles may need modification. To see available permissions, go to the Roles page and select Manage permissions. For more information, go to Roles and permissions.
Specify when to perform the data management operations
  1. Open the Data Management page in the Administration portal.
  2. In Time of day, specify the time of day and the time zone for the data management operations.

Purge data from Real-Time SPC

By default, Real-Time SPC purges data after 90 days; however, users with appropriate permissions can configure the purging frequency and the time of day to perform the data purge.
How to update purge frequency
  1. Open the Data Management page in the Administration portal.
  2. In Purge data after, enter an integer value between 1 and 365 to specify the frequency of data purging, in days.

    Large amounts of data in the app can increase the time it takes to generate reports over time. In these cases, purge your data more frequently.


Increasing the number of days affects only future data archiving. Previously archived data are not moved back into the application.

Export data to Minitab Connect

By default, Real-Time SPC exports quality data into a Minitab Connect data table, named Quality Data, located in the SPC folder when data are purged from the app. The Quality Data table contains all migrated and archived data. Historic data within this table can be further analyzed using Minitab Connect's dashboarding tool or exported for further analysis in Minitab Statistical Software.
How to update export settings
  1. Open the Data Management page in the Administration portal.
  2. In Export data to Minitab Connect, select if you want to export data daily or upon purge. You can also select to not export data to Minitab Connect.

For more information on exporting data from Minitab Connect, go to Exporting Data from Minitab Connect.